Monday 23 May 2016


Biosphere -Substrata(1997) This in terms of a review will not be that long. With Biosphere they were always one of those bands I knew were there but had never heard their music. Over the years I have developed an interest in things relating to Antarctica and extreme climate documentaries. On one of these I was watching once they used the music from this album. The Band biosphere is Geir Jenssen who was originally part of Bel Canto who were critically acclaimed at the time. He left the band in 1990 as his interest into ambient/dance was taking over and so he invested in a sampler and took his ideas and sounds to other places. Now using the term other places what I find with the music of Biosphere it is the music or product of the environment of its author. In this case Geir Jenssen lives in Norway, so the music has this feel of being ambient music but in a cold environment, its almost like an Antarctic kind of ambient. In some was it is like industrial ambient if such a genre exists. I think the first 5 tracks of the album work really well, for me its music to work and write to. Also worth noting is that there is a lot of Biosphere on bandcamp which is a good place to start as you can experience the music through his back catalogue.

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